The Bakersfield Pest Control Eco-Care Service Plan incorporates everything you need to have a pest free home, while incorporating Eco-Friendly pest solutions. It begins with a thorough inspection of your property, inside and out. Following the inspection, select areas inside your home will be treated for the prevention of common pests. Next, our trained service professional will apply the necessary treatment around the perimeter of your home’s exterior, concentrating on exterior entryways, garages, and eaves, shrubbery and areas containing mulch, etc. All reachable spider webs and wasp nests will be swept down, as well. Your Bakersfield Pest Control service professional will also make note of any existing conditions that you need to be aware of and make recommendations for preventing any future infestations.
Once the initial treatment has been completed, Bakersfield Pest Control will return on a Monthly or Bi-monthly basis to continue the preventive treatment concentrating on the exterior of your home. Should you need service on the inside of your home or between regularly scheduled visits, simply call and we will return at no additional charge to you.
With your family, work and day-to-day activities, your time is valuable. Bakersfield Pest Control Eco-Care service is designed to fit your busy lifestyle and help you rest assured that your home and family are protected from the invasion of those nasty pests, all with Eco-Friendly pest solutions.
At Bakersfield Pest Control, we understand how important it is to protect your home and business from insects, rodents and other pests that cannot only destroy your property, but also interfere with your peace of mind. That is why we provide thorough technical training for our service professionals, the most advanced technology available and the most reliable guarantee in the industry.